4th Annual Night Sky Festival • Joshua Tree National Park • November 10, 2018
/The festival has fast become a popular event celebrating the Night Sky of Joshua Tree National Park, which was designated a Dark-Sky Park by the International Dark Sky Association in 2017. The event will be held nearest the new moon of November and the same weekend as Veteran's Day.
The festival itself will be on Saturday, November 10th and held at Luckie Park and Sky's the Limit Observatory and Nature Center in Twentynine Palms.
November 10th, 2018
5585 Luckie Ave., Twentynine Palms 92277
All Ages ~ 9:00am - 8:30pm
Space photo booth, youth crafts, non-profit booths, festival shirt sales, information about the International Dark-Sky Association (IDA), and more.
1:00 pm - 2:00pm
Keri Bean: A "How To" Guide to Exploring the Solar System
Each planet in our solar system comes with unique challenges to exploration. Learn how NASA has tackled these challenges to enrich our understanding of the universe.
At Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), Keri Bean works on two NASA missions: the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity and the Dawn mission in the main asteroid belt. Previously she has worked on other missions such as the Hubble Space Telescope and Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity.
2:00 pm - 3:00pm
Women's Work: Solving Astronomy’s Most Monstrous Problems
Kevin Poe, Dark Ranger, describes "Mathy Maidens Solving Astronomy’s Most Monstrous Problems."
In the 1880s, Harvard discovered a secret truth about the Universe that has long since been suppressed: Women are better at math than men. They are faster and make fewer errors. This is the herstory of how female minds continue to do the heavy lifting that mapped the Universe and put man on the Moon.
Inspired by Frank Herbert's "Dune," Kevin had his heart set on becoming a planetologist. Since – to this day – no such profession yet exists, he had to settle for cobbling together a variety of climatology science coursework, and Utah State University was a good place to do that. Earning 2 degrees and 4 minors, he was able to join the ranks of the National Park Service where he started the Dark Ranger tradition of night sky advocacy.
Kevin now works as a project manager who specializes in green energy and transportation. As a side-hustle, Kevin and his 3 sons, who all identify as astronomy entertainers, run Dark Ranger Telescope Tours.
3:00 pm - 4:00pm
What’s in the Sky Tonight? Professor Dean Arvidson
From planets to stars to star clusters to nebulae to galaxies, the sky is filled with wonders that mankind has been observing, studying and marveling at since time began. Professor Arvidson will describe celestial marvels visible tonight such as the planets Mars and Saturn, the Andromeda Galaxy, the Double Cluster in Perseus, the Great Nebula in Orion, the Ring Nebula, Algol the demon star and Albireo, a colorful double star.
Dean Arvidson has been teaching astronomy and physics at Los Angeles City College since the last time comet Hale-Bopp came through the inner part of the solar system (1996). Unlike comets – which follow predictable, elliptical orbits – during his free time, Dean follows an unpredictable, irregular orbit around Southern California attending star parties, talking about astronomy, and generally taking in the wonder and beauty of the night sky.
Tickets Required - Class Limited to 12
29 Palms Community Center
Friday, November 9th - 6:30pm - 10:30pm
Saturday, November 10th - 10am to Noon
Learn techniques and tricks in this basic how-to astrophotography class led by artist Jon Van Vliet. Session one focuses on time and light exposures and includes a light evening meal. Session two will teach you to assemble modular/layered imagees on your computer. Participants must be 14 years or older to attend.
Tickets Required
Sky's the Limit Observatory and Nature Center
9:30am - 12:15pm
A wonderful compliment for those not attending the workshop or arriving early for the day's events. See the Orrery, walk Nature & Wilderness Trails with naturalists, view the sun safely through the solar telescope and enjoy youth crafts.
Tickets Required
Sky's the Limit Observatory and Nature Center
5:00pm - 10:30pm
Attend the Star Party complete with 20 telescopes and astronomers to help maximize your viewing experience. The Star Party will feature live music and include shuttle service between Luckie Park and Sky's the Limit Observatory. Limited VIP parking passes for STL campus are available with online purchase.
Reserve your weekend getaway with
Our comfortable vacation rentals are situated on acreage with privacy and stargazing in mind. Enjoy the backdrop of Joshua Tree National Park while staying at Desert Breeze Oasis, located near Indian Cove and not far from the heart of the Dark Sky Festival. Or ponder the skies while soaking in the wood-burning hot tub of Sunnyrock Acres tucked into the boulders just outside the west entrance of JTNP.
Desert Breeze Oasis cottage under the stars - JoshuaTreeVacationHomes.com
• Avoid Parking congestion by riding the Roadrunner Shuttle. It's FREE To Ride with FREE entry into the Park!
• All visitors can celebrate Veteran's Day Sunday, November 11th, 2018 with FREE ENTRY to your National Parks!